Welcome to HorsesInBaja.com! I’m starting this site as a resource for anyone who keeps horses in Baja or is thinking about moving to Baja California with their horses. I’ll be sharing my experiences and what I have learned to help anyone else who wants to have their horses here. This site will be based around what I have learned about keeping horses in San Felipe, Baja California, but much of what I share will be relevant for most other places in Baja as well.
I also hope that this site might even become the start of an online community for people in Baja with horses. It’s great to connect to organize events and rides, share knowledge and tips, and meet other horsey people in Baja!
Baja really can be an Amazing place to have horses – the beaches, mountains and desert and richly picturesque for rides and the weather is beautiful much of the time. If you have horses in Baja or want to, leave a comment on this post and say hey!

Can you let me know where you are located? I have an orphanage in the ejido north of San Felipe and would be interested in finding out more about your facility.
Hi Bill, The equestrian center is located at the back northern part of El Dorado Ranch. Send us an email for more info about the center!
Great idea! Hope to see your Equestrian Center next time Im in San Felipe!
I live on El Dorado Ranch. Do you have horses for rent?
I am so excited to find your site. I am moving to San Felipe hopefully the first of next year, after building a home. I will have to purchase a horse so will definitely need your help and hope I can help out in any way you might need. you can’t imagine….I’ve wanted a horse all my life, and now, in retirement, it seems I can have one..Never too late right?
Hi there!
I am so happy to have heard about your website. I live in the south campos and I have two horses. My mare Violet and her son Diego, were rescued from terrible circumstances nearly 5 years ago…terribly abused, starved and nearly dead. I have been working with them ever since to rehabilitate, retrain, and get them strong and healthy, both physically, mentally, and emotionally. While keeping horses here in Baja has been a great experience, finding resources has been a great challenge. While I used to have a wonderful vet that would come down from Mexicali, he no longer wants to make the journey, and my horses need their teeth floated. Do you have a resourse? I would love to come out to El Dorado and visit your place! How many horses do you have?
Patti in Baja
I am super excited about this! We have a ‘place’ at EDR, hope to spend more time there in the future, and horses were the only missing ingredient for me! I will visit and introduce myself, hopefully this fall. Best of luck!!
Just found your site. Hope you got your barn & round pen completed. My friend owns a home near you only on the beach side & I often visit. The only thing missing for both of us has been horses. We’re both horse owners – in fact he boards his 2 horses at my place in Santa Rosa CA. We’ll be sure to visit the next time down your way. Best of luck with your equestrian facility.
Awesome, just found the site link on the SF web page. My wife and I have had a house in the South campos since 2005. We are retireing mid 2014 and were wanting to bring our horses down. Piper rehabilitates injured race horses off the track. We currently have 2- 6 yr olds and a 14 month old quarter horse colt. we’ll come check it out next time we’re down
I am moving to baja soon and looking at some homes to rent/buy in El Dorado ranch. Some of the home listings say they have horse facilities…I have three horses and would like to have them close to where I will be living.